Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Orthodontic force induces osteoclastogenesis in vivo. It has recently been reported that administration of an antibody against the macrophage-colony-stimulating factor(M-CSF)receptor c-Fms blocks osteoclastogenesis and bone erosion induced by tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α)administration. This study aimed to examine the effect of an anti-c-Fms antibody on mechanical loading-induced osteoclastogenesis and osteolysis in an orthodontic tooth movement model in mice. Using TNF receptor 1 and 2-deficient mice, we showed that orthodontic tooth movement was mediated by TNF-α. We injected anti-c-Fms antibody daily into a local site, for 12 days, during mechanical loading. The anti-c-Fms antibody significantly inhibited orthodontic tooth movement, markedly reduced the number of osteoclasts in vivo and inhibited TNF-α-induced osteoclastogenesis in vitro. These findings suggest that M-CSF plays an important role in mechanical loading-induced osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption during orthodontic tooth movement mediated by TNF-α.
All 2008 2007 2006 Other
All Journal Article (24 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 13 results) Presentation (6 results) Remarks (2 results)
J.Dent, Res. 87
Pages: 396-400
J. Dent. Res. 87(4)
Angle Orthod 77
Pages: 2544-2551
J.Cell Biol. 176
Pages: 877-888
J.Nucl.Med. 48
Pages: 311-318
Dev Dyn. 236
Pages: 1876-1890
Adv.Exp.Med.Biol. 602
Pages: 43-46
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1116
Pages: 335-339
Angle Orthod 77(5)
Pages: 923-930
J. Cell Biol. 176(6)
J. Nucl. Med 48
Dev Dyn 236(7)
Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 602
J.Cell Biol 176
J.Nucl.Med 48
Dev Dyn 236
Adv.Exb.Med.Biol 602
Ann N Y Acad Sci 1116
Infect.Immun. 74(5)
Immunol.Lett. 107(1)
Pages: 22-31
J.Clin.Invest. 116(8)
Pages: 2152-2160
J.Immunol 177(12)
Pages: 8777-8784