Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
During corticogenesis, neural stem/progenitor cells need to adequately proliferate and differentiate to various types of neurons. Neural stem/progenitor cells in the developing cortex are called radial glial (RG) cells, as they possess highly polarized morphology with long apical/basal processes. We have previously shown in the mouse that mRNAs of CyclinD2, coding a cell cycle regulator, are transported to the basal end-foot of the RG cell. We found that the thickness of the cortex was decreased in the CyclinD2 mRNA transport element-deleted mutant mice that CyclinD2 mRNA no longer localized in the basal end-feet of RG cells, yet remained around the RG cell soma. These results suggest that CyclinD2 mRNA transport in RG cells is important to make the cortex during embryogenesis.
発生や細胞分化の過程では、細胞内において様々なタンパク質が時空間的に不均等に局在することにより、細胞の運命決定や特異的な機能発現に重要な役割を果たしている。神経系でこれまでに注目されていたのは、主に分化した神経細胞内のmRNA輸送・局在制御機構であった。このような研究動向の中で、本研究では、独自に見出したCyclinD2 mRNA輸送機構を起点として、これまでに考慮されてこなかった神経幹細胞内のmRNA細胞内局在制御による機能発現についてアプローチできた点で大きな意義がある。
All 2020 2019 2018
All Journal Article (5 results) (of which Open Access: 3 results, Peer Reviewed: 3 results) Presentation (9 results) (of which Int'l Joint Research: 4 results)
Developmental Dynamics
Volume: - Issue: 6 Pages: 698-710
Volume: -
Volume: 145 Issue: 8 Pages: 159764-159764
Brain Research
Volume: - Pages: 30111-2