Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
We investigated the physiological roles of Akt substrate Girdin using a variety of cell lines and gene-targeting mice. Girdin knockdown by siRNA in various cell lines including fibroblasts, cancer cells, endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells, significantly impaired their migration. Impaired cell migration by Girdin knockdown was due to the impairment of lamellipodia formation at the leading edge of migrating cells, suggesting that Girdin plays a role in actin reorganization at the leading edge. In addition, analysis of Girdin knockout mice demonstrated that Girdin plays a crucial role in postnatal angiogenesis and neurogenesis. Vascular development in the retina and brain cortex in Girdin knockout mice decreased to 60-70% compared with that of wild-type mice. Girdin deficiency also leads to overextended migration and mispositioning of the dentate granule cells, resulting in profound cytoarchitectural disorganization of the dentate gyrus which is known to develop during the early postnatal period. A novel Girdin family protein, Gipie, is expressed in endothelial cells, where it interacts with GRP78, a master regulator of ER stress. Our study indicated that Gipie/GRP78 interaction protects endothelial cells against ER stree-induced apoptosis.
All 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Other
All Journal Article (27 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 21 results) Presentation (25 results) Remarks (3 results)
Dev.Biol. 349
Pages: 160-168
Molecular Biology of the Cell
Volume: (印刷中,未定)
Front Biosci. 15
Pages: 1164-1171
Cancer Sci. 101
Pages: 836-842
Cancer Science
Volume: 101 Pages: 836-842
Frontier Bioscience
Volume: 15 Pages: 1164-1171
Developmental Biology
Volume: 349 Pages: 160-168
Cancer Science (印刷中)
Cancer Lett. 284
Pages: 122-130
Neuron 63
Pages: 774-787
Exp.Cell Res. 315
Pages: 3370-3380
Experimental Cell Research 315
Cancer Letters 284
Nature Cell Biol. 10
Pages: 329-337
Cancer Res. 68
Pages: 1310-1318
Cancer Research 68
Nature Cell Biology 10
Oncogene 27
Pages: 5684-5695
Mol.Biol.Cell. in press.
Cancer Sci. (in press)