Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Clinical significance of amyloid imaging (PIB-PET) was investigated by comparison with psychological tests and biomarkers of CSF. The cut-off value of mean cortical value based on cerebellar cortex was 1.3, and co-efficient of variation was 5.22%. Although the PIB-PET negative patients were not rare in spite of the clinical diagnosis as Alzheimer disease, the cortical value was significantly correlated with biomarkers of CSF and apoE4, and PIB-PET imaging was a powerful tool for evaluation of Alzheimer disease. For the detection of amyloid accumulation increase, longer observation period would be required.
All 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
All Journal Article (20 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 20 results) Presentation (30 results) Book (1 results)
Neurol Sci. (Epub ahead of print)
J Geriatric Psy Nerulogy in-press
J.Nucl.Med. 51
Pages: 1068-1075
Neurosci.Lett. 484
Pages: 168-173
J Geriatric Psy Nerulogy
Volume: (In press)
Neurol Sci.2011 Feb 5.
Volume: (Epub ahead of print)
Diabetes Ressearch and Clinical Practice 87
Pages: 224-227
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
Volume: 87 Pages: 224-227
Volume: 484 Pages: 168-173
Volume: 51 Pages: 1068-1075
J Neurol Sci 288
Pages: 117-122
Nutrition 26
Pages: 515-521
Arch Neurol 66
Pages: 1537-1544
Ann of Neurology 63
Pages: 377-387