Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the transforming mechanism of human synovial sarcoma-associated oncogene SYT-SSX and to establish the basic system for the development of new therapy. We originally proved that SYT-SSX is responsible oncogene for human synovial sarcoma, and in this study, we found that signalling adaptor protein Crk is involved in malignant feature of synovial sarcoma and one of the map kinase family protein as p38 plays an important role. Furthermore, SYT-SSX transgenic mice which develop synovial sarcoma and also SYT knockout mice were established in this study. The mice model of human synovial sarcoma should be expected to provide versatile effect for the evaluation of new therapeutic reagents.
All 2009 2008 2007
All Journal Article (46 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 27 results) Presentation (47 results)
Cell Res 19
Pages: 638-650
Cancer Res 69
Pages: 1678-1684
Int J Cancer 125
Pages: 2497-2504
Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 297
Pages: 1069-1077
Cell Commun Signal 7
Pages: 13-13
Lab. Invest 89
Pages: 645-656
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105
Pages: 1003-1008
J Nerooncol 93
Pages: 275-278
Cell Commun Singnal 10
Pages: 7-13
生化学 81
Pages: 361-376
医学のあゆみ 229
Pages: 981-986
日本臨床細胞学会北海道支部会報 18
Pages: 4-7
Am. J. Surg. Pathol 32
Pages: 1220-1227
Cell Res 18
Pages: 1037-1046
Cell 132
Pages: 935-944
Biochem. Biophys, Res, Commun 373
Pages: 392-396
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 105
Int., J. Mol. Med 21
Pages: 181-187
Human Mol. Genetics 17
Pages: 3075-3083
Biochem. Biophys, Res, Commun. 373
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105
Cell Res. 18
J. Pathol. 216
Pages: 428-439
Mol. Cancer Res (In press)
Nature Strct&Mol. Biol 6
Pages: 503-510
Mol. Cancer 6
Pages: 36-36
Mol. Cancer Res 5
Pages: 1099-1109
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 362
Pages: 976-98
Neuropathology 27
Pages: 413-417
Int. J. Oncol 31
Pages: 613-620
Nature Strct&Mol. Biol. 6
Pathol. Inter 57
Pages: 622-626
Int J Hematol 85
Pages: 421-425
International Journal of oncology 31
Pages: 976-981
Pages: 413-418
Oncogene 26
Pages: 6442-6447
Cancer Res 67
Pages: 3871-3877
Pages: 449-455