Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
All 2009 2008 2007 Other
All Journal Article (34 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 34 results) Presentation (42 results) Remarks (2 results)
Cerebral Cortex (in press)
Neuroreport 20
Pages: 584-88
Neuroscience Research 64(1)
Pages: 118-27
Cerebral Cortex
Neuroscience Research
Neuroscience Research 63
Pages: 149-54
The Journal of Neuroscience 29
Pages: 444-53
The Journal Comparative Neurology 512
Pages: 595-612
The European Journal of Neuroscience 28
Pages: 2053-64
Journal of Histochemistry Cytochemistry 56
Pages: 647-57
Acta Ophthalmologica 86
Pages: 395-400
Neuroscience Research 61
Pages: 79-91
Brain Research 1021
Pages: 78-87
The Journal of Neuroscience 28
Pages: 1789-97
Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 56
Pages: 647-657
European Journal of Neuroscience 28
Pages: 2053-2064
The Journal of Comparative Neurology 512
Pages: 444-453
Pages: 149-154
Pages: 1789-1797
Brain Research 1201
Acta ophthalmologica. Supplement (印刷中)
The Journal of Histochemistry and cytochemistry (印刷中)
The European Journal of Neuroscience 26
Pages: 3093-103
Pages: 3054-67
Gene Therapy 14
Pages: 872-82
The Journal of Comparative Neurology 502
Pages: 113-25
Pages: 872-882
Pages: 3054-3067
Pages: 3093-3103