Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
We performed spectroscopic observation towards (1) edge-on YSOs and (2) field stars behind the molecular clouds at 2-5 micron with the resolution of δλ/λ~100. AKARI can observe ice bands which cannot be observed from the ground, such as 4micron CO_2 band. We have detected H_2O, CO_2 and CO ice absorptions. The CO_2/H_2O ratio is consistent with the previous studies which used CO2 band at longer wavelength. We also detected strong absorption which coincides with XCN band towards edge-on YSOs. It could be formed by photolysis via UV radiation from YSO. Towards the molecular cloud L1517A, we derived spectrum towards more than 10 field stars. We show that H_2O column density correlate well with extinction (Av).
All 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
All Journal Article (8 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 3 results) Presentation (25 results)
Astronomy & Astrophysic
Volume: 538 Pages: 57-68
Astronomy and Astrophysics
The Astrophysical Journal
Volume: (in press)
Highlights of Astronomy
Volume: 15 Pages: 730-730
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Cenference Serie
Volume: 418 Pages: 47-54
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Cenference Series
Volume: 418 Pages: 411-414
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Cenference Series 418
Pages: 47-54
Pages: 411-414