Research Abstract |
Our research has showed the chronology of types of main products at the kiln sites of potteries and earthenware all over Japan. Now, the kiln sites exist 81 places in Japan from Touhoku to Okinawa. We could put forward the newest chronology of changing forms of the main kiln's products in medieval times. This research was concluded by many cooperators. By their cooperation, we executed the societies for the study of chronology for many kiln sites at medieval times for 2 years. We held a symposium at “Setogura Tsubaki Hall" in Seto city, Aichi prefecture in September 2006. At that time, we published the reports “Many forms of pottery and earthenware at medieval times -chronology and technical genealogy-“. Those reports became authority for chronology of pottery and earthenware. We also executed the societies for the study about solution for situation of circulating of pottery and earthenware products of the same ages. In particular, we investigated remains of port sites at the island sea (Seto-uchi). As a result, the route of commodities became clear by the main distribution of products. On the other hand, we investigated circulating products of Seto kilns, Tokoname kilns, YAMACHAWAN (bowls of Tokai area) and GAKIWAN(bowls of Kinki area). We explained distribution charts of these products. Moreover, we made the reconstruction of fired old kilns in Konagaso at Seto city, Aichi prefecture by the computer-graphic model.