Research Abstract |
Isogawa investgated Buddhist bells of Japan and China, and discovered the change of bell-founding technique of ancient and medieval Japan. With Shoko Yoshida and Wang Weiming, assistant investigators, Isogawa investigated the present bell-founding technique at Jiangnan district of China, and assumed the route of introduction into ancient Japan. Kubo investigated copper handicrafts at Goto Islands of Nagasaki, Kyushu and Kuangdong sheng of South China, studied the production, distribution and role of Chinese antique in medieval Japan. Yokota made the list of founders' names of medieval and modern Japan which are arranged by prefecture. Uchida chemically analyzed copper-castings and copper slag, assumed the technology of smelting and refining of copper in medieval Japan. We published Casting technique and founder of bell of Japan and China, the final report of this study, which contained part of the above results in March 2008.