Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Intracellular STAT1 phosphorylation after IFNγ stimulation of cells from affected children and parents with a compound heterozygous mutation of paternal Xa and maternal Xb was enhanced in immortalized B cells in the father and affected children. Expression of type I IFN response genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells was higher in affected children and father by qRT-PCR. Immunohistological examination of the skin rash showed positive expression of pSTAT1 in both the affected child and the father. Expression of X in wild-type X and Xa and Xb mutant 293T cells, and reporter assays for ISRE and GAS after IFNγ stimulation in 293T cells and X-deficient HAP1 cells showed no difference due to mutation.Activation of the Ifna4 promoter in 293T cells overexpressing TRIF and IRF3 also did not differ by mutation.
患者由来不死化B細胞などで観察された、IFN刺激後のSTAT1リン酸化の亢進が、293T細胞やHAP1細胞に遺伝子を過剰発現させた系では再現できず、X変異の機能的意義を示すことができなかったため、変異マウスの作成やタンパク質の作成ができていない。しかし、XaとXb変異はマウスでもよく保存されていることから、それらの生体内での意義を明らかにし、X欠損マウスと異なるI型IFN異常症モデルを得ることを目標に、CRSPAR/Cas9システムを用いて Xa変異マウスとXb変異マウスを作成し、かけあわせて複合ヘテロ変異マウスを得るよう進めていく。
All 2022 2021 2020 2019
All Journal Article (3 results) (of which Int'l Joint Research: 1 results, Peer Reviewed: 2 results, Open Access: 2 results) Presentation (1 results)
Front Immunol
Volume: 13 Pages: 905960-905960
Nature Communications
Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: 0-0
Volume: 293 Pages: 33-41