Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Thermal effects of subducted ridges and their roles in continental growth have been investigated, based on seismology, sedimentology, petrology-structural geology, and numerical simulation for the triple junction and the surrounding area in Chile and SW Japan. Natural earthquakes, subsidence and sedimentary environment in the forearc region, igneous activity and deformation history, and thermal-melting structure beneath the region have been constrained, indicating that a large amount of granitic melt can be produced associated with ridge subduction.
All 2011 2010 2009 2008
All Journal Article (11 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 11 results) Presentation (11 results)
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Volume: 299 Pages: 339-351
Lithos 113
Pages: 246-258
Andean Geology 36
Pages: 3-16
Volume: 113 Pages: 246-258
Andean Geology
Volume: 36 Pages: 3-16
物質循環との関連性-地学雑誌 117
Pages: 292-298
Nature Geoscience(doi:10.1038/ngeo200) 1
Geochim.Cosmochim.Acta 72
地学雑誌 117
Nature Geoscience 1