Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Cytoplasmic dynein is a two-headed microtubule (MT) motor protein. While kinesin moves by a hand-over-hand mechanism, the dynein walking mechanism is unknown. As the dynein motor domain is much larger than the step size, the two heads of dynein are thought to use multiple protofilaments of MT. Here we report dynein and kinesin motility on zinc-induced tubulin polymer (zinc-sheet), where only one protofilament can be used by motor proteins. Dynein and kinesin moved unidirectionally on a zinc-sheet at a similar velocity as MTs, demonstrating that both dynein and kinesin can walk on a single protofilament and multiple rows of parallel protofilaments are not essential for motility. These findings provide a clue as to how dynein uses the two huge motor domains for molecular walking.
All 2011 2010 2009 2008 Other
All Journal Article (15 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 6 results) Presentation (30 results) Book (3 results) Remarks (1 results)
J.Biol.Chem. 286
Pages: 1959-1965
J. Biol.Chem.
Volume: 286 Pages: 1959-1965
FEBS Lett. 584
Pages: 2351-2355
FEBS Lett.
Volume: 584 Pages: 2351-2355
J Neurochem. 111
Pages: 380-390
分子生物学イラストレイテッド 改訂第3版
Pages: 187-191
J.Biol.Chem. 283
Pages: 36465-36473
EMBO J. 27
Pages: 2471-2483
Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 65
Pages: 816-826
J.Biomol.NMR 41
Pages: 89-96
Current Biology 18
Pages: 152-157
Cell Motihty and the Cytoskeleton 65
J. Biol. Chem. 2835