Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
We have previously reported that histone H1 disappears and HMGA proteins are increased in cellular senescent cells. In this study, we further examined the structure and function of the nucleus in senescent cells. We found that 1) histone H1 is likely degraded via the ubiqutin-proteasome pathway, 2) the NF-kB pathway is involved in inducing the characteristic gene expression profiles in senescent cells, and 3) the nuclear membrane is structurally and biochemically dysfunctional. These results will provide a means to control the senescence phenotypes.
All 2010 2009 2008
All Journal Article (30 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 21 results) Presentation (30 results) Book (3 results)
Genes Cells 15
Pages: 229-242
Genes to Cells 15
Mol Cell 36
Pages: 193-206
Nat Med 15
Pages: 1082-1087
Genes Cells 14
Pages: 1091-1103
Mol Cell Biol 29
Pages: 4729-4741
最新医学 64
Pages: 1308-1314
画像診断 29
Pages: 120-123
日本臨牀 67
Pages: 107-112
Pages: 703-713
Molecular Cell 36
Nature Medicine 15
Genes to Cells 14
Molecular and Cellular Biology 29
最新医学 (6月増刊号) 64
現代化学 465
Pages: 24-28
Molecular and cellular biology 29
日本臨牀(増刊) 67
Cancer Sci 99
Pages: 1960-1966
蛋白質・核酸・酵素 53
Pages: 1850-1857
Nat Cell Biol 10
Pages: 1164-1171
実験医学 26
Pages: 2601-2605
Science 320
Pages: 1341-1344
Oncogene 27
Pages: 3754-3760
Nature cell biology 10
Cancer science 99