Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
To investigate the molecular mechanism for trafficking of Contactin-associated protein (Caspr) 2 to the cem membrane, we identified carboxypeptidase E (CPE) as a binding partner of Caspr2. Both Caspr2- and CPE-like immunoreactivities (IR) were found to co-localize in the apical dendrites and cell bodies of rat cortical neurons. In subcellular localization analysis, Caspr2- and CPE-like IRs were comigrated in the fractions of Golgi/ER. When Caspr2 cDNA was transfected into COS-7 cells with or without CPE cDNA, Caspr2 localized only in Golgi/ER without CPE, but localized in both Golgi/ER and plasma membrane with CPE. Our data suggest that CPE may be a key molecule to regulate Caspr2 trafficking to the cell membrane.
All 2010 2009 2008
All Journal Article (45 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 45 results) Presentation (55 results) Book (4 results)
Int.J.Antimicrob.Agents 36
Pages: 179-181
Neurosci.Lett. 473
Pages: 102-106
Cancer Sci. 101
Pages: 920-926
J.Infect.Chemother. 16
Pages: 193-199
J.Health Sci. 56
Pages: 712-716
Journal of Applied Therapeutic Research
Volume: 7 Pages: 58-64
Cancer Sciences
Volume: 101 Pages: 920-926
International Journal of Oncology
Volume: 36 Pages: 1193-1200
Journal of Infection Chemotherapy
Volume: 16 Pages: 193-199
Neuroscience Letter
Volume: 473 Pages: 102-106
International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents
Volume: 36 Pages: 179-181
Journal of Health Sciences
Volume: 56 Pages: 712-716
Volume: 17 Pages: 297-300
Biological Pharmacological Bulletin
Volume: 34 Pages: 433-435
Volume: 7 Pages: 373-376
Cancer Sciences January(In press)
Journal of Infection Chemotherapy March(In press)
J.Noeurochem. 109
Pages: 158-167
Developmental Biol. 336
Pages: 192-220
Developmental Neurobiol. 69
Pages: 811-824
Int.J.Antimicrob.Angents, 34
Pages: 91-94
J.Comp.Neurol. 531
Pages: 349-362
Biol.Pharm.Bull. 32
Pages: 493-496
TDM研究 26巻
Pages: 52-58
Journal of Comparative Neurology 531
Journal of Neurochemistry 109
International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 34
Developmental Neurobiology 69
Pages: 589-591
Developmental Biology 336
Nature Cell Biol. 10
Pages: 283-294
EMBO J. 27
Pages: 188-200
Cancer Sci. 99
Pages: 1618-1625
J.Applied Ther.Res. 6
Pages: 15-18
Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun. 370
Pages: 220-224
EMBO Journal 27
Nature Cell Biology 10
Cancer Science 99
Journal of Applied Therapeutic Research 6
Pages: 25-28
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 370
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 6
Pages: 1354-1360
Experimental Cell Research 314
Pages: 3017-3020
International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 33
Pages: 98-99
Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 32