Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
We planned the expression analysis of micro RNAs on between human follicular lymphomas (FLs) and their non-neoplastic counterpart, germinal centers (GCs) to elucidate the lymphomagenesis of FLs. From the results of miRNA profiling of human FLs in comparison with that of GCs, also of quantitative analysis by real-time PCR for sorted GC cells and FL cells, miR-146a and miR-193b revealed to be up-regulated in FLs than GCs, whereas miR-26a seemed to be down-regulated. Based on these results, we further generated transgenic mice overexpressing mouse miR-146a under regulation by immunoglobulin enhancer/promotor, and explore the phenotypic features of their B cells. Consequently, splenic GCs in miR-146a Tg mice seemed to be enlarged in response to stimulation by an exogenous antigen than those in wild type mice. The details are still under investigation now.
All 2011 2010 2009 2008 Other
All Journal Article (31 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 14 results) Presentation (40 results) Remarks (1 results) Patent(Industrial Property Rights) (2 results) (of which Overseas: 1 results)
Volume: 38(5) Pages: 1299-1306
PLoS One
Volume: 3;6(2) Pages: 16841-16841
Volume: 208(4) Pages: 823-839
Volume: 3;6(2)(Epub ahead of print) Pages: 12-12
Journal of Hepatology 52
Pages: 211-219
Genes to Cells 15
Pages: 471-484
Cell Transplantation 19
Pages: 865-877
CellTransplantation 19
Pages: 857-864
Cancer Sci 101
Pages: 1670-1677
Pages: 831-839
Pages: 841-847
J.Immunol 185
Pages: 5180-5187
Cell Transplant 19
Pages: 799-806
Cell Transplant.
Volume: 19(6) Pages: 799-806
Volume: 19(6) Pages: 831-839
Volume: 19(6) Pages: 841-847
Volume: 19(6) Pages: 857-864
Volume: 185(9) Pages: 5180-5187
Cancer Sci.
Volume: 101(7) Pages: 1670-1677
J. Hepatol. 52
Transplantation. 88(3)
Pages: 346-353
Mod Pathol 22
Pages: 940-949
Pathol Int 59
Pages: 804-808
Pathol Int. 59
Transplantation 88
J.Clin.Pathol. 61
Pages: 377-381
Am.J.Pathol. 172
Pages: 215-224
Mol.Cancer Ther. 7
Pages: 1461-1471
Cancer Sci. 99(9)
Pages: 1747-53
Pathol.Int. 58
Pages: 465-470