Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
We have analyzed factors that are predictive of response to peg-interferon plus ribavirin in chronic hepatitis C using data mining method. We found that hepatic steatosis, lower LDL-cholesterol level, higher glucose level and higher GGT level was predictive of poor virological response during the early treatment period. The HCV sequences in the ISDR and Core 70 was predictors of response independently of other factors. In 2009, a SNP near the IL28B was found to be most closely associated with the response to interferon therapy. We found that while IL28B was associated with the probability of viral decline, ISDR was a predictor of SVR independently of IL28B since ISDR was related to relapse of hepatitis. In the search for the factors associated with HCC development, lower albumin, higher FIB-4 index, hepatic steatosis and hyperglycemia was identified as a significant predictor. Hyperglycemia and hepatic steatosis was related to HCC development independent of liver fibrosis. Whether thee metabolic features could be the target for therapeutic intervention to reduce the incidence of HCC awaits further investigation.
All 2011 2010 2009 2008
All Journal Article (21 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 20 results) Presentation (6 results)
Hepatol Res 41
Pages: 217-224
J Medical Virol 25
Pages: 22038-22038
J Hepatol
J Med Virol 83(3)
Pages: 445-452
J Med Virol
Volume: 83 Pages: 445-452
Volume: 54 Pages: 439-448
J Gastroenterol
Volume: (In press)
Hepat Res Treat 703602
Pages: 703602-703602
Hepatol Res. 40
Pages: 251-260
fibrosis stage and response to interferon therapy Hepatol Res. 40
Pages: 870-877
Hepatology 52
Pages: 518-527
Hepatol Res 40
Biosystems. 12
Pages: 12-12
Biosystems 99
Pages: 70-78
Nat Genet 41
Pages: 1105-1109
J Hepatol 48
Pages: 736-742
populations.Hepatology 47
Pages: 352-353
Gastroenterology 134
Pages: 1396-1405
Journal of Hepatology 48(5)
Pages: 736-42
Hepatology 47(1)
Pages: 352-3
消化器科 48(1)
Pages: 128-131