Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A)
The purpose of this research is to understand the reaction field in plasma processes in liquid using low temperature plasma with ESR (Electron Spin Resonance) measurement. By measuring ions and free radicals in gas and liquid phases with MS (Mass spectrometer) and ESR method, some atomic species in the gas phase have been found to be converted to free radicals in liquid by plasma application.
All 2010 2009 2008 Other
All Journal Article (19 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 15 results) Presentation (59 results) Book (4 results) Remarks (12 results) Patent(Industrial Property Rights) (14 results) (of which Overseas: 3 results)
J. Phys.:Conf. Series (in press)
Plasma Process. Polym. 7(1)
Pages: 33-42
Plasma Processes and polymers 7
Proc. of 34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2009 Articlenumber5324771
Chem. Mater. 21(15)
Pages: 3526-3535
J. Photopolym. Sci. Technol. 22(4)
Pages: 481-484
Pages: 467-471
Journal of Fusion Energy Volume28,Issue2
Pages: 162-164
Nuclear Fusion Volume49,Issue5,Articlenumber0550102009
現代化学 460
Pages: 25-31
月刊バイオインダストリー 26
Pages: 16-22
Chemistry of Materials 21
Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology 22
J. Photopolym. Sci. Technol. 21
Pages: 267-270
Journal of Fusion Energy
J. Phys.: Conf. Series 106
応用物理学会誌 77
Pages: 383-389