Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Video indexing has become an active area of research in recent years because video content becomes commonplace on the web and the size of video database quickly increases due to rapid developments of internet connection and disk storage technology. In this research, we sought to develop an automatic video indexing system for large video database. The adjacent pixel intensity difference quantization (APIDQ) histogram is used as the feature vector in this algorithm. Experimental results show the proposed algorithm can detect the similar video clip more accurately and robust against Gaussian noise than conventional fast video search algorithm.
All 2010 2009 2008
All Journal Article (7 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 7 results) Presentation (17 results)
International Journal of Software Engineering and Applications Vol.3, No.2
Pages: 119-124
International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security Vol.9,No.9
Pages: 214-220
International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security Vol.9,No.8
Pages: 147-154
International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security Vol.9, No.9
International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security Vol.9, No.8
IEICE Electronics Express Vol.5,No.14
Pages: 503-509
IEICE Electronics Express Vol.5, No. 14