Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
We made in depth analysis of tax avoidance and tax collection. My basic idea was that we should consider asymmetric information between taxpayers and the tax authorities when we build tax system. Our main product is a paper on CFC rules in which we explained them from the point of view of information economics.
All 2010 2009 2008 Other
All Journal Article (7 results) Remarks (2 results)
(学界展望・租税法)国家学会雑誌 123巻3・4号
Pages: 410-413
国家学会雑誌 123
学習院大学法学会雑誌 45巻1号
Pages: 173-204
フィナンシャル・レビュー 94号
Pages: 74-96
フィナンシャル・レビュー 94
学習院大学法学会雑誌 45
L&T 41
Pages: 168-168