Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
This research aims at revealing the mass accretion process from galactic scale into a black hole, obtaining the gas dynamics in the galactic nuclear region of galaxies with the interferometry and VLBI. Our observations reveal CO velocity fields within the inner 1kpc of nearby galaxies NGC1097 and Arp220, which show the different rotation axis and velocity from those of their galactic rotation. Our VLBI observations toward the center of Arp220 detected a compact source in 1pc scale with high brightness temperature (>10^6K), and it suggests the existence of active galactic nucleus. Furthermore, our VLBI observations toward the nuclear region of an elliptic galaxy NGC1052 imply that water masers are associated with a circumnuclear plasma torus and such circumnuclear structure could be the source of accretion onto the central engine. We carried out the surveys towards AGN and galaxies as new tracers, and showed no detection.
All 2011 2010 2009 2008 Other
All Journal Article (17 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 12 results) Presentation (34 results)
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 63
Pages: 513-525
Pages: 53-61
Volume: 63 Pages: 53-61
Volume: 63(In press)
The Astrophysical Journal 693
Pages: 56-68
Astronomische Nachrichten 330
Pages: 249-252
Approaching Micro-Arcsecond Resolution with VSOP-2 : Astrophysics and Technologies ASP Conference Series, proceedings of the conference held 3-7 December, 2007, at ISAS/JAXA, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan. Edited by Yoshiaki Hagiwara, Ed Fomalont, Masato Tsuboi, and Yasuhiro Murata. 402
Pages: 116-119
Approaching Micro-Aresecond Resolution with VSOP-2 : Astrophysics and Technologies ASP Conference Series, proceedings of the conference held 3-7 December, 2007, at ISAS/JAXA, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan. Edited by Yoshiaki Hagiwara, Ed Fomalont, Masato Tsuboi, and Yasuhiro Murata. 402
Pages: 120-122
Pages: 123-126
Pages: 127-130
Approaching Micro-Aresecond Resolution with VSOP-2: Astrophysics and Technologies ASP Conference Series, proceedings of the conference held 3-7 December, 2007, at ISAS/JAXA, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan. Edited by Yoshiaki Hagiwara, Ed Fomalont, Masato Tsuboi, and Yasuhiro Murata. 402
Pages: 392-395
The Astrophysical Journal 683
Pages: 70-77
The Astrophysical Journal 680
Pages: 191-199