Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
I participated in the ALICE experiment at CERN-LHC and performed the construction of the Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) and development of the readout electronics and its control system. I installed TRD in the experimental area and did commissioning at CERN. I successfully identified electrons with TRD and measured J/ψ via di-electron decay in the first p+p collisions at LHC.
All 2010 2009 2008 Other
All Journal Article (26 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 24 results) Presentation (21 results) Remarks (2 results)
Eurp. Phys. Jornal C65
Pages: 111-125
hys. Rev. C81,034911
European Physics Journal C 65
Physical Review C 81
Pages: 34911-34911
Physical Review Letter 104
Pages: 132301-132301
Journal of Physics G36,064015
Phys. Lett. B679
Pages: 321-329
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103,082002
Journal of Physics G 36
Pages: 64015-64015
Physical Review C 80
Pages: 24909-24909
Pages: 54907-54907
Physical Letters B 679
Physical Review Letter 103
Pages: 82002-82002
Physical Letter B 670
Pages: 313-320
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101,122301
Phys. Rev. C77,024912
Journal of Instrumentation 3,S08002
Physical Review C 78
Pages: 44902-44902
Phys. Rev. Lett(For the PHENIX collab) 101
Pages: 122301-122301
Journal of Instrumentation(For the ALICE Collaboration) 3
Phys. Rev. C(For the PHENIX collab) 78
Phys. Rev. C(For the PHENIX collab.) 77
Pages: 46907-46907
Pages: 232301-232301
Pages: 14901-14901
Pages: 162301-162301