Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
The precipitation sensitivity per 1K of global warming in 21st century climate projections is smaller in an emission scenario with larger greenhouse gas concentrations and aerosol emissions, according to the MIROC3.2 coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model. We examined the reasons for the precipitation sensitivity to emission scenarios by performing separated individual forcing runs under high and low emission scenarios. It was found that the dependency on emission scenario is mainly caused by differences in black and organic carbon aerosol forcing between the emission scenarios and that the precipitation is more sensitive to carbon aerosols than well-mixed greenhouse gases. We also investigated the reason for the larger precipitation sensitivity (larger magnitude of precipitation decrease per 1K cooling of temperature) in the carbon aerosol runs.
All 2010
All Journal Article (2 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 2 results)
Journal of Climate Vol.23,No.9
Pages: 2404-2417
Journal of Climate 23