Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
The movement of sand and gravels under asymmetric oscillatory flow was studied by laboratory and numerical experiments. The experiment under asymmetric oscillatory flow showed that the movement of gravels was drastically restrained because of the contact network between gravels when the ratio of gravels was over 60%. The result of these experiments did not agree with the established formula of the mixed grain sand transport under oscillatory flow. From numerical simulation of filling up of particles with DEM(Discrete Element Method), it was found that 3D-contact networks between gravels drastically developed while the mixing ratio of gravels increased from 40% to 60%. It was found that the movement of sand and gravels was greatly different from the movement of the mixed sand.
All 2009 Other
All Journal Article (3 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 2 results) Presentation (5 results)
海岸工学論文集 第56巻
Pages: 526-530
海岸工学論文集 56
海岸工学論文集 1(掲載確定)