Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
NIMA-related kinases (NEKs) are a family of mitotic protein kinases conserved in eukaryotes. This study revealed that Arabidopsis NEK6 cooperates with NEK6 and microtubule-associated proteins to regulate directional cell growth through microtubule function.
All 2010 2009 2008 Other
All Journal Article (9 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 9 results) Presentation (8 results) Book (6 results) Remarks (2 results)
Plant Physiology 150
Pages: 437-447
FEBS Letters 583
Pages: 1261-1266
RNA 15
Pages: 450-458
Plant Journal 58
Pages: 829-844
The Plant Journal 58
Plant Physiology (掲載確定(出版中))