Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Bloom syndrome is caused by inactivation of the Bloom DNA helicase(Blm). To investigate the role of Blm in gene targeting event, we analyzed the chicken DT40 B lymphocyte line. We measured the frequency of gene-targeting induced by an I-Sce1-endonuclease-mediated double-strand break (DSB). BLM-/- cells showed a severer defect in the gene-targeting frequency, as the number of heterologous sequences increased at the DSB site. Conversely, the overexpression of Blm, even an ATPase-defective mutant, strongly stimulated gene-targeting. Moreover we discovered that Exo1, exonuclease also activates this gene-targeting event collaborating with Blm helicase. In summary, Blm promotes HR between diverged sequences through a novel ATPase-independent mechanism.
All 2010 2009 2008 Other
All Journal Article (17 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 16 results) Presentation (8 results) Book (6 results) Remarks (1 results) Patent(Industrial Property Rights) (1 results)
Methods in molecular biology Clifton, N. J 557
Pages: 253-266
The Journal of biological chemistry 284
Pages: 26360-26367
Epigenetics 4
Pages: 5-7
Communicative & integrative biology 2
Pages: 25-26
Methods in molecular biology Clifton, N.J VOL.557
The Journal of biological chemistry VOL.284
Communicative & Integrative Biology 2
Nature 456
Pages: 130-134
Chemistry Letters 37
Pages: 1240-1240
Molecular biology of the cell 19
Pages: 1162-1173
Genes & development 22
Pages: 398-410
Genes & genetic systems 83
Pages: 361-372
Nucleic acids research 36
Pages: 4181-4190