Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
A phase I clinical trial of CHP-HER2 complex vaccine with GM-CSF was carried out. In some patients not only HER2 specific T cell immune responses but also MAGE-A4 specific T cell responses was detected, suggesting antigen spreading triggered by the vaccination with CHP-HER2. Though these data are based on a small phase I study and should be cautiously interpreted, patients induced immune responses had shown no disease progression for longer periods (range, 9-40 month) compared to no responders (range, 2-10 month).
All 2009 2008
All Journal Article (11 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 6 results) Presentation (21 results)
Vaccine (in press, peer reviewed)
Gene Therapy 16(peer reviewed)
Pages: 620-628
Vaccine (In press)
Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis (In press)
Gene Therapy. 16
Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 184(1)(peer reviewed)
Pages: 57-61
Gene Therapy 15(peer reviewed)
Pages: 695-699
Cancer Sci. 99(3)(peer reviewed)
Pages: 601-607
Cancer Science 99(3)
Gene Therapy 15
Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 184(1)