Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up)
The purpose of the present study is to examine effects of the different sport activities on the tendon architectures. The 650 sport athletes were volunteered for this study. The length and cross-sectional area (CSA) for Achilles and patella tendons were measured by the musculoskeletal ultrasonography. The results showed that the tendon length and CSA of the dominant leg were significantly greater than those of non-dominant leg in the shot-put and high-jump athletes. The CSA of the swimmers was significantly smaller than other sport athletes. Our results suggest that the specific tendon adaptation can be occurred only in the high-impact sport activities.
All 2010 2009 2008 Other
All Journal Article (13 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 13 results) Presentation (15 results) Book (4 results)
Clinical Biomech (In press)
J. Neurophysiol. 103
Pages: 1262-1274
Clinical Biomechanics (Epub ahead of print, Accepted In press)
Journal of Neurophysiology 103
Clinical Biomechanics
Journal of Neurophysiology
Volume: 103 Pages: 1262-1274
J Physiol 1;587
Pages: 4339-4347
J Physiol 1
Pages: 3375-3382
Journal of Physiology 1587
Journal of Applied Physiology 106
Pages: 539-547
Journal of Physiology
Volume: 1587 Pages: 4339-4347
Volume: 587 Pages: 3375-3382
The Journal of Physiology (In press印刷中)