Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up)
We developed a new method of direct extraction of RNA from various types of soils including of volcanic ash soils. And a purification method of extracted RNA from soils was also developed. We tried to analyze rRNA for determination of the community structure of soil microorganisms which were concerned with decomposition of added organic matter.
All 2010 2009 2008
All Journal Article (10 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 8 results) Presentation (30 results)
The proceeding 19th world congress of soil science.
The proceeding 19th world congress of soil science (Accepted)
The Proceeding of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium vol.16
Pages: 1181-1181
The Proceeding of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium 16
Radioisotopes 57(5)
Pages: 13-20
Radioisotopes 57(6)
Pages: 355-360
Pages: 361-366