Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
低出力パルス超音波 (LIPUS) は,臨床で骨折治療の補助療法として用いられている.しかしながら,この安全で有効なLIPUSの作用の分子メカニズムは不明な点が多い.マイクロRNA (miRNA) は,遺伝子の発現を調節し様々な生命現象に関与することから,医療応用が期待されている.本申請では,LIPUSによる細胞の分化や増殖等の機能制御においてmiRNAがどの様に関与しているかを,骨芽細胞等で検討する.LIPUSのmiRNAに関連した分子メカニズムが明らかになれば,LIPUSの骨折治癒促進作用機序の解明や新規骨疾患治療への貢献に繋がる.
In order to elucidate the cellular response to low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS), the effects of LIPUS on the osteogenic differentiation in osteoblastic cells were investigated. Mouse osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells were exposed to LIPUS (30 mW/cm2 for 20 min; once a day). Repeated exposure of LIPUS significantly elevated mineralization level detected using alizarin red staining. Morphological changes were observed in the cells treated with siRNA for actin beta. The silencing of actin beta diminished the osteoblastic differentiation that was increased in the MC3T3-E1 cells by exposure to LIPUS. These findings will provide a molecular basis for further understanding of the mechanisms of LIPUS in osteoblastic differentiation.
低出力パルス超音波 (LIPUS) は,骨折治癒促進効果があるがその分子機構は完全に解明されていない.LIPUSの細胞応答を明らかにするために,骨芽細胞の骨分化に対するLIPUSの効果を検討した.マウス骨芽MC3T3-E1細胞へのLIPUSの連続照射は,骨分化を有意に上昇させ,この作用の少なくとも一部にアクチンベータが関与することが判った.得られた成績は, LIPUSの作用メカニズムを理解するための重要な分子基盤になる.
All 2022 2021 2020
All Journal Article (9 results) (of which Int'l Joint Research: 4 results, Peer Reviewed: 9 results, Open Access: 9 results) Presentation (3 results) (of which Invited: 1 results)
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Volume: 234 Pages: 113401-113401
Zoological Science
Volume: 39 Issue: 4 Pages: 388-396
Biological Sciences in Space
Volume: 36 Issue: 0 Pages: 9-14
Journal of Diabetes Investigation
Volume: 12 Issue: 9 Pages: 1555-1559
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
Volume: 430 Pages: 115723-115723
Journal of Medical Ultrasonics
Volume: 48 Issue: 4 Pages: 451-461
Molecular Medicine Reports
Volume: 23 Issue: 3 Pages: 173-173
Biomedical Research
Volume: 41 Issue: 6 Pages: 279-288
Biological Science in Space
Volume: 34 Issue: 0 Pages: 34-40