Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up
TDP-43は、種々の神経変性疾患で見られる凝集体の主要成分である。核に存在するべきTDP-43を核外で凝集させる病的機構は不明である。私共は、ダイナクチン1 (DCTN1;ダイニンモータ制御複合体の最大サブユニットで、Perry症候群の原因遺伝子産物)が、TDP-43と相互作用することを見出した。本研究では、DCTN1-TDP-43相互作用の特性と意義を明らかにする。Perry症候群で、この相互作用の異常がTDP-43輸送系を破綻させ、細胞質内凝集体形成を促進する仮説を証明する。更に、DCTN1変異によるTDP-43凝集の仕組みから出発し、種々の神経変性疾患に共通な発症機構の解明を目指す。
A major hallmark of several neurodegenerative diseases, including ALS, is cytoplasmic aggregation of TDP-43. Perry disease is a type of TDP-43 proteinopathy. The causative gene DCTN1 encodes the largest subunit of the dynactin complex. Dynactin binds to cytoplasmic dynein and regulates dynein-mediated retrograde transport. Perry disease-linked missense mutations (e.g. p.G71A) impair microtubule-binding abilities of DCTN1. However, how DCTN1 mutations cause TDP-43 proteinopathy remains unclear. We found that DCTN1 bound to TDP-43. Biochemical analysis using DCTN1 mutants revealed that the DCTN1 CAP-Gly-basic domain, dynactin domain, and C-terminal region bound to TDP-43. Remarkably, the p.G71A mutation affected TDP-43-interacting ability of DCTN1. Overexpression of DCTN1G71A induced cytoplasmic aggregation of TDP-43. We thus identified DCTN1 as a new player in TDP-43 transport, providing insights into the pathological mechanisms of Perry disease and other TDP-43 proteinopathies.
All 2021 Other
All Int'l Joint Research (2 results) Journal Article (3 results) (of which Int'l Joint Research: 3 results, Peer Reviewed: 3 results, Open Access: 2 results) Presentation (1 results) (of which Invited: 1 results)
Int J Mol Sci
Volume: 22 Issue: 8 Pages: 3985-3985
Neurosci Lett
Volume: 764 Pages: 136234-136234
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Volume: 22 Pages: 3985-3985