Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
We collected neuroimaging and blood samples from monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs and from patients with schizophrenia. We recruited 62 healthy twin adults and 44 twin children. MEG recording of mismatch negativity(MMN) indicated that MMN is heritable. MMN was associated with genetic variation in the GRM3. These results suggest that MMN may be a useful intermediate phenotype for schizophrenia. We also showed that prefrontal cortex activation as measured by NIRS may be also heritable and that these indices were significantly reduced in early phases of schizophrenia, which indicates the usefulness of NIRS as an efficient intermediate phenotype for schizophrenia.
All 2012 2011 2010 2009 Other
All Journal Article (55 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 55 results) Presentation (47 results) Book (18 results) Remarks (4 results)
Volume: 6
Biol Psychiatry
Volume: 70
Schizophr Res
Volume: 132 Pages: 54-61
Hum Brain Mapp
Volume: 32 Pages: 1762-1773
Psychiatry Clin Neurosci
Volume: 65
Psychiatry Clrn.Neurosci
Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry
Volume: 35
Volume: 53
Volume: 132
Brain Res
Volume: 1,370
Neurosci Res
Volume: 69
Volume: 32
Clin Neurophysiol
Volume: 122
Volume: 26
精神医学 Psychiatry
Volume: 4587
Medical Practice
Volume: 28
Brain Medical
Volume: 23
Volume: 113
Volume: 117 Pages: 61-67
Volume: 68 Pages: 1066-1072
Brain Re
Volume: 331 Pages: 51-57
Genes Brain Behav
Volume: 9 Pages: 269-275
Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci
Volume: 260 Pages: 465-473
Volume: 121 Pages: 55-65
Volume: 17 Pages: 51-57
Early Interv Psychiatry
Volume: 4 Pages: 206-213
Genes, Brain and Behavior (in press)
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 31
Pages: 221-6
精神科 (in press)
こころの科学 150号(in press)
脳と精神の医学 (in press)
Volume: 114 Pages: 119-127
Volume: 33 Pages: 491-498
Volume: 4
PLoS ONE 4(5)
Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 33(3)
Pages: 491-498
Neurosci Res 63(2)
Pages: 89-94
Schizophrenia Research 114
Pages: 119-27
Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 2009 Sep 13(Epub ahead of print)
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience as an original article 2009 Sep 19(Epub ahead of print)
精神科治療学 24
Pages: 905-913
医学のあゆみ 231
Pages: 1034-1039
臨床精神医学 38(4)
Pages: 429-436
神経内科 71(3)
Pages: 286-294
精神医学 51(2)
Pages: 177-184
臨床神経生理学 37(3)
Pages: 115-120
脳と精神の医学 20(3)
Pages: 207-211
医学のあゆみ 231(10)
Pages: 1040-1044