Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
This research discusses sociological problems caused by the postmodern situations of advanced science and highest technology, so as to explore how the stunning advance of modern natural science is affecting the once-set ontological category of <human>, which has now quickly transgressed into <post-human> in the ongoing evolutionary spheres of our times: “robotization of man (=cyborg)” and “humanization of machine (=humanoid)”. One of the main challenges of today’s sociology is firstly to scrutinize the theoretical frameworks and paradigms on the social issues concerning the complex mechanism observed in the social relationship between the high-tech and cultural change.
All 2012 2011 2010 2009 Other
All Journal Article (10 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 2 results) Presentation (9 results) (of which Invited: 2 results) Book (6 results)
A.Mascio (a cura di) Fashion Game, Milano : Franco Angeli
Pages: 125-132
Stili Glocali : Forme e Tendenze di Mode Giovanili, C.L.E.U.P [Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Universita di Padova] (Tsuchiya, J., M.Tessarolo and A.Marazzi (eds.))
Pages: 17-40
A.Mascio (a cura di) Fashion Game, Milano: Franco Angeli
Volume: 1 Pages: 125-132
Tsuchiya, J., M.Tessarolo and A.Marazzi (eds.) Stili Glocali: Forme e Tendenze di Mode Giovanili, C.L.E.U.P
Volume: 1 Pages: 17-40
Zone Moda Journal: La Cultura della Moda Italiana-Made in Italy
Volume: No.2 Pages: 254-258
Zone Moda Journal: La Cultura della Moda Italiana-Made in Italy, Bologna:Pendragon,
Dall'Uomo All' Avatar e Ritorno: Realta' e Dimensioni Emergenti (R.Romeo and P.Canestrari (eds.))
Volume: Vol.2 Pages: 237-253
Volume: 48号 Pages: 12-21
Plulinguismo, Multi- culturalismo e Apprendimento delle Lingue : Confronto tra Giappone e Italia, Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Viterbo : Sette Citta (S.Ferreri (a cura di))
Pages: 249-260
Journal of Brand Management
Volume: Vol.16, No.5-6 Pages: 323-337