Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Using in vivo PET imaging with FDG and[^<11> C] PK11195, a PET ligand for translocator protein(TSPO, previously called peripheral benzodiazepine receptor), we evaluated the pain matrix and neurogenic inflammatory process in the rat brain after generation of cortical spreading depression(SD), a stimulation used for making an experimental animal model of migraine. The results show that the uptake of[^<11> C] PK11195, which has been used extensively to image activated microglia in the central nervous system, in the unilateral SD model rats increased in the ipsilateral hemisphere, and completely displaced by excess unlabeled ligands. Moreover, a quantitative analysis showed the binding potential for[^<11> C] PK11195 to significantly increase in the ipsilateral hemisphere, suggesting a pathological role of microglia activation in migraine etiology. The results further show that the regional brain activity was significantly increased in several brain regions, including the ipsilateral brainstem, contralateral sensory, and insular cortex, which have been reported to be involved in a nociceptive pathway in migraine.
All 2012 2011 2010 2009 Other
All Journal Article (13 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 11 results) Presentation (20 results)
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 19 Pages: 249-255
J Nucl Med
Volume: 52 Pages: 249-256
Volume: 52 Pages: 1964-1969
Volume: 16(3) Pages: 14-16
PET journal
Volume: 16 Pages: 14-16
Neurosci Res
Volume: 66(4) Pages: 372-9
J Pharmacol Exp Ther
Volume: 335(2) Pages: 314-323
Volume: 66 Pages: 372-379
Volume: 50(11) Pages: 1904-11
J Nucl Med 50
Pages: 1904-11
Volume: 11(in press)