Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
This study verified whether a perceptual motor learning task effectively facilitates stabilization of standing balance in old-old and recovery of upper limb function in hemiplegic patients after stroke. Results revealed that standing balance stabilized with better perception of plantar pressure. Results also revealed that recovery of upper limb function is facilitated by better perception of the direction of movement and distance moved by the upper limb on the affected side and perception by skin of the fingers. The task used in this study was found to result in extensive activity in areas of the frontal lobe and parietal lobe. Results suggested that activation of these areas is linked to recovery of function.
All 2011 2010 2009 Other
All Journal Article (17 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 5 results) Presentation (7 results) Book (6 results) Remarks (2 results)
Clin Rehabil.(Epub ahead of print)
Volume: 22 Pages: 78-82
理学療法 27
Pages: 387-391
Pages: 499-504
Pages: 603-608
Pages: 818-822
Pages: 887-895
OTジャーナル 44
Pages: 1067-1074
Neuroreport 22
Pages: 78-82
Volume: 44 Pages: 1067-1074
Volume: 25 Pages: 419-425
奈良理学療法学 1
Pages: 2-5
Clin Rehabil 23
Pages: 483-491
Human Movement Science 28
Pages: 752-759
理学療法科学 24
Pages: 275-262
Clinical Rehabilitation 23