Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
(1) We formulated boundary qKZ equation in terms of the polynomial representation of the double affine Hecke algebra (DAHA) of type C^∨C. We gave a procedure to construct its polynomial solutions from solutions for an eigenvalue problem. Some special solutions are constructed by non-symmetric Koornwinder polynomials. (2) We confirmed that it will be possible to formulate a construction of polynomial solutions for a degenerate limit of the qKZ equation (with no boundary) in terms of the polynomial representation of degenerate DAHA. (3) We suggest an equality between non-symmetric Macdonald polynomials at roots of unity and Schur symmetric polynomials.
All 2010 2009
All Journal Article (1 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 1 results) Presentation (7 results)
New Trends in Quantum Integrable Systems : Proceedings of the Infinite Analysis 09
Pages: 157-171