Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
I have measured the response of shear stress to sinusoidal electric fields under steady shear flow in the droplet dispersed phase of an immiscible liquid crystal/polymer blend and analyzed it on the basis of the Maffettone-Minale model. It was obviously shown that the response function was not a type of simple relaxation but of damped oscillation, which was originated from the antisymmetrical parts of the velocity gradient tensor. Additionally chiral smectic liquid crystal elastomers were prepared and the macroscopic deformation induced by the application of electric field was investigated. The two-dimensional strain tensors in an elastomer film were quantitatively estimated
All 2011 2010 2009
All Journal Article (12 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 10 results) Presentation (36 results)
Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter (Accepted)
Phys.Rev.E 83
Volume: 83
Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter
Volume: (Accepted)
J.Soc.Rheol.Jpn 38
Pages: 181-186
Phys.Rev.E 82
Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan
Volume: 38 Pages: 181-6
Volume: 82
Phys.Rev.E 80