Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
To determine the crystal structure of VgrG protein of Type 6 secresion apparatus from E. coli O157 and E. coli CFT073, over-expression vectors for both full-length and C-terminal domain of VgrG were constructed. We succeeded in establish the purification methods for VgrG from E. coli O157. Purified protein was treated with trypsin to get stable VgrG1^M467-his. This VgrG1^M467-his was examined thousands of crystallization condition. One of the conditions gave nice crystal formation for structure determination. Now we are trying get isomorphous heavy atom derivatives for phase determination. Moreover, we are going to establish other VgrG purification strategy.
All 2012 2011 2010 2009
All Journal Article (24 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 23 results) Presentation (34 results)
J Virol
Volume: 86 Pages: 746-56
Volume: 86(2) Issue: 2 Pages: 746-756
Chem Commun(Camb)
Volume: 47 Pages: 2074-6
J Am Chem Socl
Volume: 33 Pages: 13571-6
Volume: 89 Pages: 378-380
J Am Chem Soc
Volume: 133(34) Issue: 34 Pages: 13571-13576
Chem Commun (Camb)
Volume: 47(7) Issue: 7 Pages: 2074-2076
Volume: 47 Pages: 2074-2076
Volume: 6 Pages: 1873-9
J Mol Biol
Volume: 395 Pages: 349-60
Macromol Biosci
Volume: 10 Pages: 808-13
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol
Volume: 86 Pages: 625-31
Virol J
Volume: 355
Struct Biol
Volume: 171 Pages: 174-81
Macromol Biosci.
Volume: 10 Pages: 808-813
J Struct Biol.
Volume: 171 Pages: 174-181
Volume: 6 Pages: 1873-1879
Virol J.
Volume: 7 Pages: 355-382
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 86
Pages: 625-631
Journal of molecular biology 395
Pages: 349-360
Org Biomol Chem
Volume: 7 Pages: 2649-54
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Volume: 106 Pages: 4067-8
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106
Pages: 4067-4068
Organic & biomolecular chemistry 7
Pages: 2649-2654