Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Interaction of intestinal commensal bacteria with mast cells and epithelial cells was analyzed. It was shown that intestinal commensal bacteria affect the terminal differentiation of mast cells and they regulate expression of the genes which are involved in recognition of microbes in intestinal epithelial cells. These mechanisms underlying modulation of the functions of mast cells and intestinal epithelial cells by commensal bacteria may provide a useful target for the regulation of inflammatory reactions which are caused by the disorder of intestinal homeostasis.
All 2011 2010 2009 Other
All Journal Article (14 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 14 results) Presentation (67 results) Book (4 results)
Immnuobiol. 216
Pages: 692-697
Cytotechnol. 63
Pages: 307-317
Biosci.Biotechnol.Biochem. 74
Pages: 691-695
Immunol.Lett. 132
Pages: 45-52
Microbiol.Immunol. 54
Pages: 54-57
Volume: 74 Pages: 691-695
Volume: 132 Pages: 45-52
J.Immunol. 183
Pages: 6522-6529
Microbiol.Immunol. 53
Pages: 475-780
Immunobiology 214
Pages: 279-289
Volume: (in press)