Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Synthetic methodology for multi-substituted heterocycles was developed utilizing the high reactivity of benzyne intermediate. Magnesium bisamide was proved to be the best base for the benzyne generation and nucleophilic addition to construct heterocyclic skeletons. The resulting anion species reacted with a variety of electrophiles to give functionalized heteroaromatic compounds. The tricyclic skeleton of isobatzelline and discorhabdins was constructed using the reaction conditions.
All 2011 2010 2009 Other
All Journal Article (4 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 4 results) Presentation (30 results) Remarks (2 results)
Pages: 560-572
Chemistry-An Asian Journal
Volume: 6 Pages: 560-572
Pages: 5925-5929
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Volume: 49 Pages: 5925-5929