Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
To assess the role of Tifb in the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), we disrupted the Tif1b gene specifically in hematopoietic cells. Tif1b^<F/F>-Tie2-Cre embryos died at mid-gestation due to anemia. In the mutant embryo, erythroblast maturation beyond the proerythroblast and survival of erythroblast were severely abrogated, indicating that Tif1b plays a critical role in embryonic erythropoiesis. Then, to elucidate the Tif1b function in HSC, we performed a series of transplantation assays and showed the cell-autonomous requirement for Tif1b in HSC repopulating capacity. Moreover, Tif1b^<F/F>-Tie2-Cre KSL cells proliferated and differentiated into myeloid cells poorly in vitro. To address the mechanism underlying the proliferation defect of Tif1b-deficient KSL cells, we conducted the microarray analysis and found that p21, but not p16, p19 and p57, was up-regulated in Kif1b-deficient KSL cells. Together, our findings suggest repression of p21 expression mediated by Tif1b is a critical for the maintenance of HSCs. On the other hand, we also observed that reduction and inappropriate localization of HP1a protein in the Kif1b-deficient KSL cells, so, TIF1b and HP1a may collaborate to repress the p21 expression.
All 2011 2010 2009 Other
All Journal Article (16 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 16 results) Presentation (7 results)
Br.J.Haematol. 153
Pages: 589-598
Experimental Hematology
Volume: (In press)
British Journal of Haematology
J Hepatol. 52
Pages: 854-863
Hepatology. 52
Pages: 1111-1123
Leukemia 24
Pages: 197-200
Volume: 52 Pages: 1111-1123
Journal of Hepatology
Volume: 52 Pages: 854-863
Cell Mol Life Sci. 66
Pages: 3675-3684
Genes Cells 14
Pages: 1347-1357
Hum.Pathol. 40
Pages: 1304-1311
Cellular and Molecular Lifescience 66
Genes to Cells 14
Human Pathology 40
Exp.Hematol. in press