Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
We investigated the pathophysiology underlying age-related progression in degeneration of the olfactory mucosa using various mouse models and immunohistochemical methods. The analyses of mechimazole-induced neuroepithelial degeneration revealed that although mouse olfactory neuroepithelium retained the capacity to reconstitute neuroepithelium as well as innervate the olfactory bulb even in 16-month-old mice, the final anatomical recovery was less complete in 16-month-old mice compared with the younger mice. Cell kinetics analyses of the reconstituting neuroepithelium suggested that such a age-related decline in the capacity to reconstitute neuroepithelium is associated with its age-related decrease in proliferative activity after the neuroepithelial injury rather than changes in the process of neuronal differentiation.We also prepared ovariectomized mice and bled estrogen receptor beta-knockout mice to examine the involvement of estrogen in the homeostasis of olfactory mucosa.
All 2010 2009
All Journal Article (2 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 2 results) Presentation (13 results)
J Comp Neurol 518
Pages: 1962-1975
J Comp Neurol
Volume: 518 Pages: 1962-1975