Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Drought stress and accumulation of salt lead to increase the osmolarity of the environmental space. This gave the dehydration of plant cells, which ends up to jeopardize the plant life. The water movement across the biological membrane is affected by osmolarity and therefore the concentrations of cation, sodium ion and potassium ion are crucial for them. The intracellular concentrations of these cation play an important role in ion homeostasis in plant cells. In this study, membrane transport system for sodium ion and potassium ion has been analyzed and their structure and function has been investigated. The increase of the resistance against the environmental stress in plant cells has been studied through the elucidation of their sodium and potassium transport system, which is closely involved in understanding the molecular mechanism of osmolarity homeostasis.
All 2012 2011 2010 Other
All Journal Article (14 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 14 results) Presentation (20 results)
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
Volume: 109 Issue: 27 Pages: 11043-11048
Comprehensive Biophysics Volume 6 - Channel Proteins Elsevier BV Amsterdam
Volume: 6 Pages: 234-245
An ion channel-related plant behavior Plant Electrophysiology(In Volkov, A. G. (ed.) Spring-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg)
Volume: - Pages: 125-142
Improving Crop Resistance to Abiotic Stress
Volume: 23 Pages: 523-542
J. Bioscience and Bioeng.
Volume: 114 Issue: 6 Pages: 677-679
PCC 6803. J. Biol
Volume: 286 Issue: 28 Pages: 25224-25235
Plant Cell
Volume: 23 Issue: 1 Pages: 81-93
FEBS Journal
Volume: 278 Pages: 4293-4303
Volume: 286 Issue: 39 Pages: 3393-3393
Volume: 286 Pages: 25224-25235
PCC 6803. J. Bacteriol
Volume: 192 Issue: 19 Pages: 5063-5070
Plant Biology
Volume: 12 Issue: s1 Pages: 56-63
Volume: 12 Pages: 56-63
Volume: 192 Pages: 5063-5070