Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
To elucidate the pathogenesis of glaucoma progression, we measured retinal nerve fiber layer defects (RNFLD) angles and divided normal-tension glaucoma (NTG) cases into 2 groups, enlarged RNFLD and stable RNFLD. Disc hemorrhages were found significantly more frequent in the enlarged group than in the stable group. RNFLD enlarged in the direction of disc hemorrhage in over 80% of eyes. In majority of eyes of the enlarged group, the enlargement of RNFLD was toward the fovea. The enlargement of RNFLD in NTG was closely associated with disc hemorrhage occurrence and the deterioration of visual field.
All 2013 2012 2011 2010 Other
All Journal Article (17 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 9 results) Presentation (23 results)
Am J Ophthalmol
Volume: 156(5) Pages: 907-917
J Glaucoma
Volume: 22(6) Pages: 447-455
眼科臨床エキスパートAll About開放隅角緑内障
Pages: 105-117
Pages: 196-211
Volume: 67(3) Pages: 245-249
眼科臨床エキスパート All About 開放隅角緑内障
Volume: なし Pages: 196-211
Volume: なし Pages: 105-117
J Glaucoma.
Am J Ophthalmol.
Volume: 21(4) Pages: 276-276
Volume: 116(3) Pages: 233-268
Volume: 116 Pages: 233-268
Volume: 115(9) Pages: 839-847
Volume: 20(3) Pages: 189-95
Journal of Glaucoma
Volume: 20 Pages: 189-195
Volume: 115 Pages: 839-847