Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
We developed a method for preventing re-recording of images and videos with digital camcorders. The proposed method is used to corrupt the content by adding invisible noise signals using CCD or CMOS devices during recording. In this way, recorded content will be unusable. Test results from our prototype system proves the validity of our method.
All 2012 2011 2010
All Journal Article (12 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 12 results)
Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security
Volume: vol.7 Pages: 34-51
Proc.of the 10th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW 2011)
Volume: LNCS7128 Pages: 14-14
Volume: 7 Pages: 34-51
Volume: Vol.52, No.2 Pages: 877-889
Proc. of the 2011 IEEE 18th International Conference on Image Processing(ICIP2011)
Pages: 2753-2756
Proc. of the 10th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking(IWDW 2011)
Volume: LNCS 7128 Pages: 14-14
Proc.of the 2011 IEEE 18th International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2011)
Proc.of the 9th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW 2010)
Volume: LNCS 6526 Pages: 280-292
Volume: vol 52, no.2 Pages: 877-889
Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Image Processing(ICIP 2010)
Pages: 993-996
Proc. of the 9th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking(IWDW 2010)
Proc.of the 17th International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2010)
Volume: 全一巻 Pages: 993-996