Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
A series of composite analyses were performed in order to quantify the response of global pesticides(insecticides and fungicides) trade to climate modes such as the El Nino-Southern Oscillation and the Arctic Oscillation. It was demonstrated that in Australia, the El Nino appears to cause reduced precipitation, then suppressed occurrence of malaria, and in turn decreased local demand for insecticides. Development of an integrated environmental risk analysis framework to synthesize the outcome of this study and dynamic and food-web models of Persistent Organic Pollutants(POPs) will help better understand the relative importance of climate modes versus international regulations such as Stockholm Convention on POPs to variability in the pesticide trades.
All 2012 2011 2010
All Journal Article (16 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 12 results) Presentation (13 results) Book (6 results)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Volume: (in press)
Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry
Volume: 6 Pages: 303-309
Volume: 3 Pages: 5-14
Volume: 3 Pages: 15-24
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Volume: 63 Pages: 366-369
Global Change Biology
Volume: 17 Pages: 351-365
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances
Volume: 10 Pages: 210-213
Marine Polllution Bulletin
Volume: 63(5-12) Issue: 5-12 Pages: 366-369
Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry-Environmental Research in Asia
Volume: 5 Pages: 179-187
Volume: 5 Pages: 169-178
Volume: 42 Pages: 743-748
Science of the Total Environment
Volume: 408
Organohalogen Compounds
Volume: 72 Pages: 112-115
Volume: 72 Pages: 247-250
Volume: 408 Pages: 5824-5827