Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
We quantitatively show a large amount of river waters flow into the Harima-Nada Sea from Harima area(Honsyu Island side) as compared with the Shikoku and Awaji Islands sides. The river waters have strong influence on the nutrient concentration in the sea. Especially, a short-term river runoff during a flood has a large influence. It is clarified that the difference of river water spread in the north side of the Sea of Harima and the south side and the effects of short-term river flood inflow are important to understand the water environment in the Harima-Nada Sea. We suggest the possibility that the change and variation of river water chemistry and discharge is one of factor to the recent decrease of nutrients in Harima-Nada Sea.
All 2012 2011 2010
All Journal Article (4 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 1 results) Presentation (15 results)
Volume: 第68巻、No.4
Volume: 68 Pages: 605-612
Volume: II-148 Pages: 295-296
Volume: (CD-ROM) Pages: 155-156