Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Adipocytes play essential roles in controlling the insulin sensitivity. We have previously shown that an RNA-binding protein Hzf is specifically expressed inadipose tissue and required for proper adipocyte functions thereby contributing to theregulation of insulin-mediated glucose metabolism. We here investigate the detailed molecular mechanism by which Hzf functions in adipocytes and show that Hzf associateswith another RNA-binding protein HuR. These proteins cooperate in the regulation of geneexpression through post-transcriptional mechanism, which is required for the adipocytefunctions.
All 2011 2010
All Journal Article (1 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 1 results) Presentation (7 results)
Mol Cell Biol
Volume: 31 Issue: 10 Pages: 101997-2009