Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
We developed cerebral blood flow and oxygen metabolism measurement combining injectable 15O labeled artificial blood cell and noninvasive rapid steady-state method. The cerebral blood flow and oxygen metabolism of normal and cerebral ischemia-reperfusion model rat was measured and then effectiveness of drug treatment was evaluated using this method. New rapid steady-state method was developed by combining membrane plasma separator to conventional steady-state method and cerebral blood flow and oxygen metabolism of normal and cerebral occlusion region was calculated easily, rapidly and accurately. Influence of isoflurane gas anaesthesia was confirmed using the method.
All 2012 2011 2010
All Journal Article (4 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 4 results) Presentation (6 results) Patent(Industrial Property Rights) (2 results)
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism
Volume: 32 Pages: 33-40
Volume: 31 Pages: 527-534