Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
An experimental SISH probe designed by Ventana Medical Systems(Tucson, AZ) was used to evaluate IGF1R gene copy number on 10 non-small-cell lung cancer(NSCLC) cell lines. The mean number of IGF1R gene copies/nuclei per cell line was 2.26(range : 1.12-7.56). The median copy number was 2.11.Squamous cell carcinoma had 7.56 copy number compared to non-SCC histologies. IGF1R gene copy number detected by SISH is higher in Squamous cell carcinoma cell line than in other cell line of NSCLC.
All 2012 2011 2010
All Journal Article (5 results) Presentation (1 results)
J Thorac Oncol
Clin Cancer Res
Volume: 17(24) Pages: 7796-807
Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
Volume: 59(10) Pages: 693-8
Volume: 6(11) Pages: 1865-71
Volume: 5(10) Pages: 1551-8