Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up
Brief overview : This theme is focused on the point that'' podocyte has the same signal transduction as skeletal muscle to the extent of existing actin signal pathway''. The skeletal muscle tissue and renal podocyte have a common pathway, it means that podocyte damage can be healed as muscle skeletal damage though the accepted notion of nowadays is that'' podocyte damage is never recovered''. We made podocyte damage mice. We will try to cure their renal function by'' genetic manipulation nanocarrier'' which have been developed by ourselves.
All 2012 2011 2010 Other
All Journal Article (3 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 3 results) Presentation (5 results) Book (3 results) Remarks (2 results) Patent(Industrial Property Rights) (1 results) (of which Overseas: 1 results)
J. Control.Release
Volume: 161 Issue: 3 Pages: 868-874
Biomed. Opt. Express
Volume: 1(4) Pages: 1209-1216
Volume: 1 Pages: 1209-1216